Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome to term 3.
What a wet, cold holiday we experienced. On the plus side the snow on the mountains has certainly been exciting for those who enjoy being wet, cold and having lots of fun at the same time!!!
Others of us have enjoyed the opportunity to keep warm and complete inside jobs.
I know there are many parents who are thankful school has once again resumed.
This term our theme is " Part of a Pattern."
We will take a very broad look at this theme over the course of the term and include activities such as looking at patterns in nature and man made patterns. We will cover curriculum areas such as Literacy, Numeracy, The Arts and Science. Should be lots of fun.
Stay tuned to see what we get up to.

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Birthday Fun!

Identify the Emotion

Masks and Puppets

Literactive Stories and Activities

Thomas The Tank Engine


Chuggington - Trains

Bus story