Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to week 3 of term1!
Hi also to Connor who is getting on the blog at home and having great fun searching through the blog, doing lots of activities and reading lots of stories. This is a great way to do some home 'work'. What do you think, Connor??

Meaghan and I have really enjoyed doing lots of home visits over the past two weeks. It has been a privilege to have the time to sit and hear about each child's favourite things to do at home and to learn some more about how we can support each family on this new and exciting journey in formal education. Thank you to everyone for making us so welcome.

We'd love you to leave a comment if you visit our site. Hope you find it useful for your child.
Over the coming weeks there will be some more sites added for you to explore. In the meantime search through the Junior Crew link. Sue always has something worthwhile to discover.

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Birthday Fun!

Identify the Emotion

Masks and Puppets

Literactive Stories and Activities

Thomas The Tank Engine


Chuggington - Trains

Bus story