Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hi to Everyone,
Well school begins for teachers tomorrow. Students get a few more days holiday and begin school on Monday, February 1st.
To help you start thinking and preparing for the first big day back at school I have chosen a puzzle that might help. It's also a good time to start getting back into a good sleeping pattern so that you will all be refreshed and ready for the school routine.
I have added a new site called Sproutonline. Hope you all have fun searching this one.
Our theme for term one is Positive Behaviour Suppot Progam. Our school has been learning and implementing this program for two years now. With the addition of many new staff and students we will explore this in depth and take on board the principles with passion!
Children can expect to be praised for appropriate behaviours; following school rules, being kind to others, showing a good attitude to learning and trying new skills and activities, and above all, feeling good about themselves and enjoying being at school.
Teachers can expect to be very busy 'catching children being good', focusing on the positive rather than the negative, supporting and actively teaching children how to make better choices.
Parents can facilitate this process by supporting both their child and teacher to know and understand each other better. When everyone works together we can achieve great things for each child, and rightly so.
Keep in touch

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