Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hi all!
August has arrived and along with it some much needed rain, even though it has been very light, it seems to be enough to keep the garden green.
Did you all enjoy the tree-face puzzle??? Some of our children were very intrigued with the face!
This week room 13 and 14 are off to visit our local wildlife park. We hope to arrive in time to see the fairy penguins fed.
Next week we begin a 6 week program of gym for fun. We are really looking forward to this adventure!
In class we are learning to sign sad and happy. Our older students who already know these signs will be able to teach our prep children these two signs and other emotion signs over the coming weeks.
A few weeks ago we had a 'Litter Free' week. In our room James was the winner of the Litter Free Lunch. Congratulations,James and to Muma and Dad, who pack James a very healthy lunch in reusable containers each day.
Hope you are enjoying accessing the sites we like to use. The Literactive site I have posted at the top of our blog is a site that Sue found for us. Take the time to explore this site. It has lots of really great stories, rhymes and activities to do that are relevant for our children. Let us know if you find a great site that could be posted on ours.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Your Gym program sounds like lots of fun. Make sure you take lots of photo's so we can all see what you get up to.


Birthday Fun!

Identify the Emotion

Masks and Puppets

Literactive Stories and Activities

Thomas The Tank Engine


Chuggington - Trains

Bus story