Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome to term 3!
See the Signs is our theme for the term. We have already begun in earnest.
The teachers have brainstormed ideas for activities which will include learning to read community and road signs- what do they mean? who are they for? what could happen if you don't follow the sign/rule?
We will also increase our Auslan and Makaton signing, send, give and receive or interpret messages in a variety of ways- written, drawn, ICT, emotions, body language, visual arts, music and sound.
The children have planted some bulbs and flowers so we can observe the growth and changes.
Recently we have had a lot of rain so our discussion and observations have also been about 'reading the signs' of the weather. So many things to learn and do.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hi Room 14,
The 'Come Outside' site is great.You must be getting good at listening and using the arrow keys now. Well done :)


Birthday Fun!

Identify the Emotion

Masks and Puppets

Literactive Stories and Activities

Thomas The Tank Engine


Chuggington - Trains

Bus story